So I don't get cuts and scrapes very often even though I am quite the clumsy dots , neither do I have the patient manor to sit and write blogs. But I decided to sit and try to for whatever's reason, maybe because its quite the thing to do these days and I wanted to know what jumping on the bandwagon was like for once. Suppose its something to do when all else gets boring in a day. Here is a delightful picture of my toe especially for all the people with icky foot fetishes,
I kicked a bottle of magners down an unknown street in east London it smashed obviously, then I thought it would be clever to kick some more , only this time the glass went straight through my Reebok hi top (a good old pair of Adidas would never let me down) . And this is how it looks now. Do toes heel easy? Anyone?

loves it
Holy crap. Ow.
Brilliant idea, kicking a broken bottle. Though I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Toes heal just as fast as any part of the body, you just have to make sure it stays clean, as feet tend to be... well... filthy. Keep Neosporin or the UK equivalent of a potent antibacterial on it, and try to keep it covered with a bandaid or gauze or something so little germs from socks/shoes/the floor/broken bottles cant get in there and throw a party.
Thing is, that looks kinda deep -- hopefully you wont need stitches.
Anyway, much love from across the Atlantic. You're my guilty pleasure and practically everyone I know gives me flak when I put your CD in but I dont give a fuuuuuuuuck! Yeah yeah fanboy drivel... you're awesome/adorable/talented. Keep up the good work, and come to California some time.
um naw it depends on how deep but clean it once and just wrap it up if possible. also use neosporin or antibiotic ointment. I help this helps. So Sov what ya been up to?
Man the only act female MC that's crazy is in Tokyo. lol when you gonna make some new stuff??
well hey much love from NY
Its going to be a pain in the ass if you wear socks all the time. wrap it in a bandaid and ride it out, it might be a while if its covered all the time.
Ouch. Poor toe.
Take Care In SOV land. Hehe.
Previous Med-post said it all luv...toes heal like any other bit. Definitely agree on the cleansiness thing also.
So there. That'll teach ya.
I stepped on a box of jones soda in between my big toe and index once and it hurt like a bitch to walk but it healed after two weeks. If i didn't hate feet so muhc i'd send you kisses. but well have those for your next owwie. get well soon, wear addidas, don't kick bottle. :]
You have small feet.
At least it wasn't a papercut. Those are the worst!
After reading your blog i decided to take advantage of any chance to communicate with a fellow artist, especially one as well known and attractive as yourself. Basically, i once broke my toe nail through my soccer cleat after, well, toe-punching the ball. It took a longgggg time to heal, only because i kept on kicking things, so as long as you refrain from that, it should be dandy.
I keep stubing my toe against the floor..... fucking annoying?!?!?!
good idea to kick it again.:-).Just keep the toe clean and covered it will be fine.:-)
nah they dont heal fast :( lol. so what gonna happen wiv your new cd? havent heard any updates in awhile..
that's the worst,whatever you hurt you seem to keep hitting it again.I slipped one time and came down on my elbow and everytime after that I keep banging into things with my elbow.:(
I'm a sucker for all natural products. If you put shea butter on the cut it should heal faster and without a scar.
make way for the T. O. E.
life lesson: Wear Reebok's whenever kicking bottles.
Toes heal fast they are just irritating while they heal. I bet we won't be kicking any bottles again anytime soon...
well hope ur toesies feel better love. As for fetishes blah how is that possible feet are just fcuking nasty so i say again blaaaah
It's gonna rot off and you're gonna die. It's all over now. You'll never get a chance to save the world! I am clearly the choice for your successor, what with the not having any idea who I am and all.
This went to a weird place,ummm..
aw :[
should heal just as fast as any other part of the body. faster with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and a little bandaid :D
you are amazing and i hope your toe heals quickly!
That part of the toe is pretty hard to keep a bandaid on. If you have any liquid bandage type stuff that'd be best to put on it... after cleaning it of course. Super glue will work too but it will BURN. Really I don't think it needs anything special tho, my toes have never gotten infected.
i could swear i suggested the whole multiple socks thing, but i don't see the comment to prove it. I hope your toe gets back to rapping potential so you can keep on doing what you do best.
I wanna marry you. I mean it's one thing that I love your music, but that picture of you toe...Ahhhhhh.
Worse. Was walkign barefoot in my room, and I stubbed my toe on the end of my brother's bed rail. My toe exploded, blood gushing out of it. D-gusting.
Funny as Fuck! I would have fallen at some point. Wrap dat shit up and call it a day. Learn to kick with your left Lady! Lol :)
fuck toes....chop them off...they just get in the damn way and cause problems....LMAO LOL
Looks painful... bad breaks luv. You should be more careful!
Do toes heel easy?
Great turn of words, there.
Jumping on the bandwagon does pan out, occasionally.
I love you! lol, and I mean it more than everyone else!
Ouch! That looks like it really hurts jus clean it everyday with rubbing alcohol and it heal much quicker x]
Its great to hear from you lol even if its about your toe ur awsome really I love your music ur really talanted and beautifull. =]
-take care
keep it clean - wear those sanitary napkin slippers instead of four socks.
and yes i have one of those " icky foot fetishes" and yours look good, minus the cut
looks like that hurt!
hope your foot heels....:)
stub one toe..is good luck..stub two toes..its not good..but stub all toes..????... youre fucked...glad you only stubbed and cut one toe.... :)
what the hell do you do there in London??? lol just kiddin.. hope it heals well for you...
I'm afraid it's going to have to come off... :P
how did the glass go through the shoe?
asfar as extremeties go, they bleed the most and are more painful because of all the neve endings, but for healing, aslong as you're healthy and have a proper vitamin k levels it should heal up fine! hopefully you learned that the only thing you should kick glass bottles with is a good ol pair of Dr Martins or anyother type of boot, never fails! cheers and quick healing, love
Did it get infected? that sucks huh?
That is nasty =) It should heal pretty quick though. Goodluck cuz that is gross....Much Love from ya Girl Shannon
SARS. Lol. I <3 the idea of a blog, can't wait to read more funny posts from the SOV. When are new tracks dropping lady? Canada luvs ya! Big up! Holla.
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